
The Port of Umatilla works with private development corporations and other entities to facilitate economic growth for Northeastern Oregon.


There are three terminals in the Port of Umatilla for containers and bulk cargoes. It has a full-service on-barge container operation, a grain-loading facility, and a distribution complex for petroleum. All of the Port of Umatilla’s facilities have multi-modal service that includes road, rail, and river.

Access to the Port of Umatilla by barge is provided by Shaver Transportation, Foss Maritime, and Tidewater.

The Port of Umatilla’s biggest industrial park, and the site most appropriate for large industrial tenants, is the McNary Industrial Park adjacent to the barge dock. The city provides water and sewer services, and natural gas service is available. Interstate Highway 82 and Highway 730 are adjacent to the park, and part of the park has rail service. Occupants of the Port of Umatilla’s McNary Industrial Park include Boise Cascade, Hagerman TruckingTidewater, United Grain Growers, and the Two Rivers Correctional Institution.

Located near Interstate Highway 84 is the Port of Umatilla’s Pendleton Industrial Park. The City of Pendleton provides services, and a rail spur serves an area in the Park. The Eastern Oregon Regional Airport is just 3.2 kilometers (two miles) away. Current occupants of the park include Keystone R/V‘s, Continental Mills, and Lippert Components.

Immediately south of Hermiston on Highway 395 is the Port of Umatilla’s South Hermiston Industrial Park. Services are provided by the City of Hermiston. Best suited for small light industry and commercial businesses, the Port of Umatilla’s South Hermiston Industrial Park is home to several small commercial businesses and Hermiston Foods. There is also a 9.3-hectare Wal-Mart Distribution Center next door to the park.


At the Port of Umatilla, we work closely with local and state government authorities as well as not-for-profit trade associations and others to leverage our efforts in facilitating trade for northeastern Oregon.